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Sarajevo recent comments:

  • Dolac Malta , mahir (guest) wrote 3 years ago: savršena usluga dostava cvijeća u Sarajevu
  • Dolac Malta , mahir (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
    www.cvjecara-sarajevo savršena usluga dostava cvijeća u Sarajevu
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy, chilan (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Love me
  • Veljine, rajvosa wrote 7 years ago:
  • Hotel Hills Sarajevo, Denis (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Newest 5 star hotel in Sarajevo. Fine food and excellent rooms!
  • HIFA-PETROL D.O.O. B.P. RAJLOVAC, dzemo2000 wrote 9 years ago:
  • Music Academy, ragib turkic (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Obavezno ne ici u ovu glupost ostat ce te glupi i gluhi!!!!!!!!
  • Restoran "Lovac", ragib turkic (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Povoljna hrana aaaaaaaaa!
  • Catholic cemetery, Milos (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Its orthodox cementery
  • Cengic Vila 1 neighbourhood, sarajbosna wrote 10 years ago:
    Ovo je stara slika dok se "cirom" isto od Stare stanice do Ilidze
  • Mosque, sarajbosna wrote 10 years ago:
    Dzamija je u Starom Hrasnu
  • Golo Brdo - Kota 830, mnogotochie wrote 10 years ago:
    According to the name Golo brdo sometime before the war was also deforested. To summerrize - what comes around goes around. :)
  • Hidrogradnja "Brijesce" Workshops, Almedin (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Thanks Petarg for this valuable information.
  • Višnjik, Dzemo (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Simpatično. Ali ispravan naziv ovog naselja je Višnjik. Ako u Google ukucaš Big Apple, teško da će te navigati do New Yorka.
  • , NERMIN (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    da li imate ventil za grijanje e 200 mercedes i koliko kosta
  • Stambeno poslovni kompleks STUP NUKLEUS - NEDJARICI, mm (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Ulica Dr.Silve Rizvanbegovic
  • Shopping City Grbavica, David Gilmour wrote 10 years ago:
    Hello Emma, Papagajka building is one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen in urban areas. Who ever designed this building and officials who approved it shoud be fired for lifetime from jobs of that kind. Sarajevo thought it's very rich history has three parts: buildings that were built during the Otoman Empire (Bascarsija), buildings that were built during the Austrian-Hungarian Empre and buildings that were built after 2nd war and especially after the 1990's war. City officials (corrupted idiots!!!!) have to demolish several buildings from Austroan-Hungurian epire (rather than to preserve it as a heritage) to make room for such ugly building that stands out for it's ugliness and is apsolutely out of place in that part of town. How do I know this??? I was born in Sarajevo and lived not too far from papagajka building but for last 35 years my adopted home town is Miami, Florida, USA....Good luck, Emma
  • Sarajevo War Tunnel - Ratni TUNEL DB, LOCO (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Srpske ruke ovo izgradise, a posle pobijeni ili skapase od rada!
  • BULEVAR MESE SELIMOVICA / CVILA1 , ppla (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Is there any problem crossing this street now or what impact does it have nowdays,especially after the war?What does it mean for people who live there today?Thank you!If you have any special info about this particular street or any other place,since I am working on an urban project for this city,I would be thankful if you would share it on email
  • OS "Musa Ćazim Ćatić" , zya (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Nekadasnja OS Miljenko Cvitković ...