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Grbavica ,
14 years ago:
Hotel Central,
14 years ago:
Na mjestu Ajas-pašine džamije koja je izgorjela u požaru 1879 godine, 1889 godine sagrađen je "Ajas-pašin dvor" - kasnije hotel "Central",
Fibula (guest)
14 years ago:
Turisticka agencija Fibula... Ostanite mladi sa nama!
Radio televizija Bosne i Hercegovine,
Dado ZAKOVISKI (guest)
14 years ago:
smrdljiva federalna televizija
Bosnian Culture Center,
14 years ago:
14 years ago:
Jukiceva 120-124
O.Š. Kovačići,
14 years ago:
Sada se zove O.S. Kovacici
Brusa bezistan,
14 years ago:
the name of the building is Brusa Bezistan
Hotel Europe,
14 years ago:
Был в этом отеле в 1990 году. Хороший городской отель. Во время гражданской войны 1992 года был сильно повреждён. Недавно восстановлен.
Oruzane snage BiH,
15 years ago:
Officer’s Club - Army Club
In the 1880s, on the orders of the Duke of Wurttenberg, work begun on the erection of an officers’ casino (public meeting rooms), on a site between Franc Josef street, as it was then, and the river Miljacka, which was not built up at the time.
The following years the building was formally opened, and until the Social Club (National Theatre) was built, it was the centre of social life in Sarajevo.
The officers’ casino was the first major building conceived along romantic lines in Sarajevo. The original building had two storeys. There was a small Muslim burial ground in front of the building, and a garden with wooden pavilions and arbours on the side facing the Miljacka. There was an octangonal wooden music pavilion in the middle of the garden.
The present day appearance and size of the building date from 1912 whan it was given an additional storey with lagre formal hall.
The composition of the building was based on the principle of strict symmetry, with particular emphasis on the north façade and a prominent central projection. There are four large canvases by the academic painter Ismet Mujezinović on display in the formal hall.
Serb Orthodox Cathedral,
15 years ago:
The Orthodox Cathedral consecrated to the Holy mother, was built in 1868 in the new baroque style with elements of the Serb Byzantine architecture. It is a triple nave basilica with five new Byzantine domes on the high tambours. The church-tower was built in 1872 by Andrija Damjanov, who also built the Military barracks for which he was decorated by the sultan Abdul Aziz, who like the prince of Serbia, gave a contribution in the amount of five hundreds ducats for the construction of the church.
As it was damaged in the war 1992/95 the Greek government made provisions for the reconstruction of the church in 1999.
Former army officers apartments -,
Dragan (guest)
15 years ago:
Dragan Jovanovic lived here
O.Š. Kovačići,
rodilagamajka (guest)
15 years ago:
Ehhhhhh....stara sjecanja...
generacija 1961/62
Isa-beg’s tekija,
Nedim (guest)
15 years ago:
Otkopali su je prije nekih desetak godina i sada stoji, a da niko ne zna šta da uradi s njom. Raskopana rupa u koju se smeće ubacuje. Sramota.
Mister Sexxx (guest)
15 years ago:
Najbolji dio grada
Nedim (guest)
15 years ago:
Nekada su tu bile velike topole, ali su ih neposredno pred rat posjekli i tako, na neki način, nagovijestili strahore koje su bile pred nama. Jer, davno je rečeno, drva se bez razloga ne smiju sijeći. Prije nekih tridesetak godina tu je radio stari rom Bajro, brinući se o dvorištu. I radio je to na najbolji mogući način. Nakon njegove smrti postalo je pomalo zapušteno, ali ipak generacije Sarajlija su tu provele svoje slobodno vrijeme, odmore, raspuste, druženja i dr., što ga čini prepoznatljivim mjestom za nas starosjedioce iz centra i okoline. Mnogi ne znaju da je to zvanično dvorište Prve gimnazije, ali se oni, zbog nekog razloga, ne brinu o njemu, ostavljajući ga na milost i nemilost svima onima koji zađu u njega. U svakom slučaju, kultno sarajevsko mjesto. Ovom prilikom predajem rahmet starom Bajri.
Vilsonovo walkingzone,
Nedim (guest)
15 years ago:
Jedino pismeno šetalište u gradu. Lijepo, uređeno, samo malo previše urbanizirano. U svakom slučaju, bolje ponude nema.
Autoline - Mercedes/Chrysler dealer,
petarg (guest)
15 years ago:
In March 2010 the Mercedes/Chrysler dealer moved to its new location at Zafeta Zajke (street) No. 175.
O.S. Safet-bega Bašagica ( ex. Veselin Maslesa),
Nedim (guest)
15 years ago:
Pohađao sam tu školu tokom osamdesetih. Danas se zove Safet-bega Bašagića.
house build by Josip Vancas,
15 years ago:
Sarajevo recent comments: